Sunday, February 25, 2007

Better grab an umbrella

Despite the apparent fandom of American Idol’s Antonella (and her toe), the Terps hung on last night defeat the ACC’s top team, the UNC Tarheels. The win almost certainly cements the Terps entry into the NCAA tournament after a couple of years in the wilderness. Having some sloot from American Idol rock the jersey failed to help out the Heels.

Before you criticize me for knowing about American Idol and Anotella, take a look at the pic above and, more importantly, all of the rest of the NotSafeFordaWork images that are popping up all over the interwebs. My girl watches Idol (for what seems like) four nights a week and this gummy girl is now sure to be a star (on that show or Skinamax). Her name is Anotella Barba, she lives here in DC and goes to Catholic University, but apparently she broke up with her boyfriend after making the Idol final rounds, and the boyfriend is out for revenge - by leaking some money NSFW pics.

Soon after she made the finals pics of Anotella topless on a beach began to surface, but thanks to the tireless reporting of a new pic has leaked oonto that site every few hours since late Friday afternoon, just dont look at work.
I now present you with one of the most high-larry-est IM exchanges in history. He Man is finally forced to lay-off Man-E-Faces and he eventually works up the courage to break it to him over the instant messenger. Good stuff.
According to this news report PacMan "Fever" Jones really shouldn’t have made it rain.
I just started watching the Showtime show “Weeds” online. Pretty good.
Great fight last night (which I watched online today). This guy Gomi is the lightweight champion in Japan’s Pride Fight Championship, where they pack 70 thousand people into stadiums to watch MMA. Nick Diaz is some wacked out American who just likes kickin' ass and happens to be a jiu jitsu champion. After Diaz lost a few controversial decisions in the UFC, he decided he wanted to drop down to lightweight, and for some reason Pride FC gave him a fight with their lightweight champion -- probably in a misguided attempt to embarras the UFC. After getting pounded in the beginning of the first round, Diaz collects himself outpunches Gomi for a few minutes and then breaks out some sick move in the second round called a “google-plata” (or some shit like that) and chokes out Gomi. Check out the video here.
Obama in '08. Sounds good to me.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

PacMan Jones has nothing on what I was witness to this weekend! The future Mrs. Redonkulous Linker not only made it rain she made a hurricane, it made PacMan’s make it rain look more like an ant sneezing! It was glorious!

At 2:48 PM, Blogger subcontinental.giant said...

PacMan Jones is a role model !


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